Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mariel Montales' First Stop Motion Animation

This was my first try at a stop motion animation. I placed the camera down on to the table and placed my clay family down. I took a give or take thirty-five pictures in total. This was supposed to depict a mother reading a book of some sort and the father looking at it too as it caught his eyes while passing by. The child at first was laying down staring into space when some magical toys had popped out of nowhere ready to be played with. First the plane, train and blocks, then what his heart most desired, the car. As he begins playing with the car the toys vanish just as fast as they had appeared. The conclusion of this six second video, that I had just stretched out into a million years, is that he loses his beloved car and is devastated as much as a small child would be (which in this case is very little). I do think this is beyond fabulous, but next time I will try to work with a better substance that doesn't fall down as much as this cheap clay did. Also I would try not to change the positions so drastically, but then again I did have a photo limit to this one.


  1. I like how you took your photos because it didn't move much. It was steady.

  2. I like how you used the clay and kept the camera still!

  3. I like the idea of your movie and how you kept your camera really still. Great job!

  4. I love how you made your props yourself and how well your figures moved. Really well put together. :)

  5. I like how you were creative and used clay! Looks so good, good job!

  6. I like how you made the camera steady and I like the plot of your movie too.

  7. I like your story line. And i like how you made people out of clay.

  8. Your very artistic and I liked every part of your video! I don't know how you made your characters out of clay but overall I liked everything! Good job Mari!

  9. Classic use of plastercine. Nice

  10. I liked your clay characters and how they came to life. Good job Mariel.

  11. Knew this was going to be good, Mari! Your figures are so amazing :]


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