Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bethel Jimenez's First Stop Motion Animation

My First Stop Motion Animation
This is my first stop motion animation. I did this by taking multiple photos, one shot at a time. When I finished taking my photos I added the pictures to Windows Movie Maker to adjust the seconds of every photo I took. What I like about my movie is that it is creative. I also liked the ending of my movie. What I would want to change are the lighting in every photo and to keep the photos steady.


  1. I really like your drawings and plot but maybe next time you could keep the camera in one place!

  2. I really like the plotline of your story and your drawings. Next time try to keep the camera in one place for your next stop motion. Other than that, good job!

  3. I like your idea and your drawings! I could never do such a good job with what you did.

  4. I really like how you did the plot it was very creative and how the girl flew up, it was cute.

  5. I like your idea and your drawing are really good! Such a good idea. Next time try to keep the camera in one spot. Great job!

  6. I really like your drawings they look good. Try using a tripod in your next stop motion so your camera stays in one place.

  7. I really liked the story line of your stop motion video. Your really talented and I liked every part of your video! Good job Bethel!

  8. The plot and ending was very adorable!

  9. Bethelrific. Nice use of cutouts on a backgroun

  10. Excellent storyline and animations. Great job!

  11. This actually made me smile, it's so adorable. The change of lighting was the only thing that irked me.
